Angus - Puppy Training

Angus – Training a Puppy

E-Collar Puppy Training A lot of people wonder how early you can begin training your dog. The answer is as early as possible – the minute you bring him home. It doesn’t matter if it is a puppy or an older dog, you are teaching him new information the minute you put him in the…

Dog Training an Australian Shepherd

Training Mo – Teaching Basic Obedience

Mo, the mini Australian Shepherd, was one of our dog trainees from Atascadero this last week that learned some basic obedience.  Sometimes we have a ton of large dogs – lots of German Shepherds and Labs – and other times we have lots of sweet little dogs.  (We know that Mini Shepherds are necessarily little,…

Training a deaf dog is possible, especially with e-collar use!

Fitz – Our Deaf Dog Trainee

Every once in a while we get a special dog trainee at DognPooch. We happened to get one of them this week. Meet Fitz – a very special dog who is deaf and doing great! This is his progress after just 24 hours of training. We worked with him to develop hand signals and to…