Behavior modification is something that is a daily task at DognPooch. Many times this phrase references “bad” dogs, or dogs that make poor decisions. In this video, you’ll meet Jackson, who, prior to DognPooch, was dog reactive. He’d bark aggressively through a fence at other dogs. He’d pull on his leash, lunge, bark and growl at dogs that he’d see on walks. It was impossible for his owners to take him anywhere.
Within just three days, you can see he has changed tremendously. He is learning to refocus on his trainer and listen to the commands given to him. He is heeling off-leash, with proper use of an e-collar. He is calm and not on alert.
We understand the struggle you go through when your dog is reactive to other dogs and want to help you change this behavior pattern. While we can’t “fix” your dog in one week, we can show him the right path and how to make better decisions. It will be up to you, the owner, to continue his training and reinforce his positive choices.
If you have questions about how we were able to see results with Jackson so quickly, fill out our Contact form or message us on Facebook.